Hello everyone, for today another pasta recipe as always rich in history and tradition. Pasta, cream, peas, ham and mushrooms. A simple recipe to do in the house at the last minute. Made with high quality ingredients like very much to champion Barcelona's Lionel Messi. Argentine of Italian origins.
Ingredients for 4 people: 12 oz pasta like "farfalle" or other type, 7 oz fresh peas, 8 oz of cured ham into cubes, 8 oz button mushrooms into small pieces, 2 oz white onion into small pieces, 2 oz butter of excellent quality, 2 lb of liquid cream, a little salt, freshly ground white pepper and 4 oz of authentic grated Parmesan cheese.
Take fresh peas and blanch. In a medium saucepan put: The onion into small pieces and butter. Cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Without burning the onion. Add the boiled peas and mushrooms. Always cook over low heat for at least 10 minutes. Add a little salt and mix. Put the cured ham and after 5 minutes the cream. Cook over low heat, stirring for 10 minutes. Add the white pepper. The sauce is ready. Cook the pasta al dente as always. Read the instructions on the package and possibly choose a pasta of Italian origin. Drain the pasta and serve with the hot sauce. Finally add the parmesan cheese and serve it in 4 hot dishes.
As always, good appetite and we "see" for another post.

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